
Here you will find a list of the different ministries we offer here at St. Paul.

Please make sure you fill out the volunteer form and check the EIM certification class we offer.

  • A.C.T.S.

    The Mens A.C.T.S. retreat for 2024 has been scheduled.  The date is  below.

    Men's ACTS Retreat 

    October 10-13, 2024

    For more information contact:

    Brian Hearon, 512-771-5262,

    Carlos Mendoza, 512-293-7262,

    Curtis Eckerman,

    What is an ACTS Retreat?  

    An ACTS retreat is a parish-based event which offers parishioners an opportunity to experience the love of Jesus Christ. This in turn fosters a desire for international discipleship.

    ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, and in this way, serve to build Christian community at the parish.


    The ACTS Retreat begins Thursday evening and ends with Sunday Mass celebrated with the parish community.

    The retreats are a three-day and three-night Catholic lay retreat as stated presented by fellow parishioners.  The retreat begins on Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday at a Mass celebrated with the parish community.  Retreats for men and retreats for women are given separately.  The retreat focus is on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived.   Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guides for the retreats.  The retreat takes on the traditions and atmosphere of the parish community sponsoring it. The retreat facilitates the attainment of a new or deeper relationship with God in a manner that is both personal and communal through: 

    Adoration – Responding through prayer and worship to receiving God’s gifts of grace, mercy and love

    Community – Living and participating in the One Body of Christ as Church, beginning with the parish

    Theology – Deeping our relationship with God through prayerful study to better understand and fulfill His will for our lives

    Service – Answering the call to discipleship by following the model Christ gave us

    The Team

    Each retreat is conducted by a retreat "team" of 20-30 individuals who have attended prior ACTS retreats.  Chosen by the retreat Director, the team organizes the retreat and ministers to the needs of the retreatants during the retreat weekend. 

    What is the purpose of the ACTS retreat? 

    An ACTS weekend is designed to help the retreatants enter into a new or deeper relationship with our Christ and fellow parishioners.  This is accomplished through Adoration and daily prayer, the call to Community in one's parish as a member of the Body of Christ, and Theology in encouraging the study of scripture and our Catholic Faith.  All of this will emphasize and encourage the virtue of Service to our Lord, our parish, and one another. 

    What is the goal of an ACTS retreat? 

    A parish ACTS retreat strives to achieve the directives of Vatican II and goals of the Revised Code of Canon Law of 1983 which emphasize "community and pastoral care" within a parish.  The weekend allows the retreatants to experience God's love and joy.  They return to their parish with a deeper love for each other and a desire to become more involved in their parish faith community.

    After the retreat, participants become members, brothers and sisters, in the ACTS community.

    ACTS is a welcoming community of loving service. We pray you will become a part of it.


    Who can attend an ACTS retreat? 

    The retreats are open to any church denomination. Holy Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church are the guides for the retreats. The retreat takes on the traditions and atmosphere of the parish community sponsoring it.  

    Are you an ACTS Brother or Sister new to our Parish?

    We would love to welcome you unto our parish ACTS Family! Need more information? Please contact the St. Paul A.C.T.S. Core Team at

  • Adoracion Eucarística

    i. Que es Adoracion Eucarística?

    Adoracion Eucaristica es una expresión de nuestro amor a Jesús, que nos ama mucho y nunca nos deja solos, y se queda con nosotros día y noche en el Santisimo Sacramento. Porque El dice: "He aquí, yo estoy con ustedes siempre", porque "con amor eterno los he amado. Y constante es mi cariño por ustedes" (Mt 28, 20; Jer 31, 3).


    Adoración Eucarística Perpetua es simplemente nuestra respuesta al amor de Jesus para nosotros. Por lo cual cada uno de nosotros está dispuesto a pasar una hora santa en oración en Su presencia Eucaristica una vez por semana, regularmente para obtener exposición perpetua del Santisimo Sacramento (7 dias a la semana, 24 horas al dia). (Actualmente, no se ofrece en la Iglesia Católica St. Paul).


    Jesús "nos espera en este Sacramento de Amor," donde nos implora a cada uno de nosotros, "Ni siquiera una hora pudieron ustedes mantenerse despiertos conmigo"? (Mateo 26:40) En esta hora que Jesús quiere que estes con Él, puedes leer la Biblia, rezar el rosario, leer un libro religioso, hablar con Jesús de corazón a corazón de manera de como hablas con un amigo, o tal vez estas muy cansado, o afligido, o fatigado que solo quieres descansar. Disfruten de la paz que solo viene de estar con El quien te ama demasiado, Jesús en el Santísimo Sacramento.

    Adoración Eucarística - Ubicación, Horario y Contacto


    Horario: primer Viernes - 12:30 pm - 7:00 am y segundo y quinto Viernes - 12:30 pm - 10:00 pm

    Puede elegir cualquier hora entre las 12: 30-10: 00, segundo, tercer, cuarto o quinto Viernes o cualquier hora entre las 12:30 pm y 7:00 am, primer Viernes (reanudando el 5 de Febrero).

    Para mas información y apuntarse para su hora de adoracion- llamen al: Oralia Garza, or Belem Perez,

    Hágase miembro de la Sociedad del Santísimo Sacramento

    St. Paul Catholic Church, 10000 David Moore Dr., Austin, TX

  • Children's Liturgy of the Word

    Our Mission: To share the Word of God with children at their level so they may learn to fully participate in the Mass.


    The term 'Children's Liturgy of the Word' refers to the practice of children leaving the assembly during the Liturgy of the Word and gathering elsewhere to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding.  At the conclusion of the Penitential Rite before the first Reading. The presiding priest will call the children forward to be sent with their leaders to celebrate in one of the rooms.  The children participate in Gospel proclamation.  We share questions to reflect on what difference God's Word makes in our lives.  We explore what we can do now that we have heard God's Word.  The children make their Profession of Faith, share their prayers/intentions, and learn about stewardship.  The children return to their families at the end of the Prayers of the Faithful before the Offertory.  This ministry is for children from ages 4-11 years old.  All children are welcome that are old enough to sit quietly for 10-15 minutes as an active listener and not distracting to leaders or the other children.  We encourage teens and adults to participate as leaders and assistants.  Parents are welcome to sit with their children.  You can become a Leader or Assistant by attending a brief orientation, observe one session, complete the Ethics & Integrity in Ministry process; and get on the schedule.


    "Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:13-15


    If interested in become a leader or assistant, please contact Cris Maldonado at (512)785-9184 or

  • Eucharistic Adoration

    What is Eucharistic Adoration?

    Eucharistic Adoration is an expression of our love

    for Jesus, who loves us so much that He never wants to leave us and so stays with us day and

    night in the Blessed Sacrament. For He says: "Behold I am with you always," because "I have loved you with an everlasting love. And constant is my affection for you," (Mt 28: 20; Jer 31:3).


    Eucharistic Adoration is simply our response to Jesus' love for us, whereby each of us is willing to spend a quiet holy hour of prayer in His Eucharistic Presence once a week on a regular basis that we may have perpetual (seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day) exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus is never left alone, and the chapel is always open for anyone to visit Him. (Currently, not offered at St. Paul Catholic Church.)


    Jesus "waits for us in this Sacrament of Love," where He appeals to each one of us: "Could you not watch one hour with me?" (Mt. 6:40). This hour that Jesus wants you to spend with Him is spent any way you want to: reading the Holy Bible, praying the Holy Rosary, with your favorite prayer book, or speaking to Jesus heart to Heart, as one does with a friend, you may be so tired or troubled or worn out, that you may just want to sit, and relax, and enjoy the sweet peace that comes from simply being with the One who loves you the most, Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

    Eucharistic Adoration - Location, Schedule and Contact


    Hours: First Friday - 12:30 pm - 7:00 am and Second-Fifth Fridays - 12:30 pm - 10:00 pm You may choose any hour between 12:30-10:00, Second, Third, Fourth, or Fifth Fridays or any hour between 12:30-7:00 am, First Friday (resuming Feb. 5, 2021).

    To schedule your personal holy hour of Adoration, please contact, Oralia Garza, or Belem Perez,

    Become a member of the Blessed Sacrament Society

    St. Paul Catholic Church, 10000 David Moore Dr., Austin, TX

  • Extraordinary Ministers

    Each of us in baptism was anointed priest, prophet and king so that we might go forth to minister. Vatican II has reaffirmed our participation in the fullness of ministry as was the tradition in the early church. As Extraordinary Ministers, we have been called to serve God’s people in a very special way. In accepting this responsibility, not only have we agreed to demonstrate our love and understanding of Eucharist, we have also committed to grow in faith by experiencing Eucharist in our daily lives. In ministering to the assembly at Mass and to those unable to attend because of illness or infirmity, we strive to reawaken in each communicant the fullest meaning of Eucharist. As Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion we answer the Lord Jesus’ call to serve. Our service to St. Paul Catholic Community is our way of sharing in our relationship with God while developing an ever deepening commitment to strengthen the spirit of the Body of Christ within the community.

    For more information contact the parish office.

  • Floral Ministry

    Ministry Mission Statement: “The work of the altar should be a labor of love” and while that is certainly true, it is an indescribable privilege to care for the church environment, altars, sanctuaries, flowers and linens. As necessary, this work is coordinated with other pastoral committees, parishioners and priests to meet the numerous decorative, social and liturgical functions throughout the church year. The goal is to provide a sacred atmosphere so that all may grow in holiness while meeting the needs of the Church.

    Ministry Activities: Decorate the Chapel, Altar, and Sanctuary for weekend Masses, funerals and special occasions.

    Volunteer Opportunities: If you would like to learn how to arrange flowers, this is an excellent opportunity to develop your hidden floral talent and serve both the Lord and the parish! Or, if you would rather not arrange flowers but want to assist, please consider serving as a ‘clean-up’ volunteer. We will gladly share with you what we do.

    Other Opportunities: Individuals to coordinate the seasonal Easter Lily and Christmas Poinsettia orders and display. Assist with other seasonal decorating as needed.

    Contact: Melinda Estrada, (512) 762-3567 (text, please) or or Denise Gran, (512) 949-9437 (text, please) or

  • Gabriel Project

    Our response demonstrates the infinite healing love of God. Through the Gabriel Project, new parents receive loving care, spiritual, emotional and material support.

    Through the Gabriel Project, members of the local parish community provide a “Good Samaritan” approach to assist new parents in a loving, unconditional, and non-judgmental manner during an unplanned or crisis pregnancy.

     ~ The angel Gabriel's words to the Virgin Mary-Luke 1:30 & 37

    "Do not be afraid . . . for nothing will be impossible for God"


    • Pray for a mother and her new baby
    • Become an Angel
    • Training is one day at a local parish (locations and dates change)
    • Ethics and Integrity training
    • Volunteer to cook a meal for a mother/family who has just come come home with her baby
    • Knit or crochet blankets
    • Assist in sorting and pulling donated items from storage
    • Assist in donation drives (held once a year or every other year)
    • Purchase baby items to donate to the ministry 

    Contact: Maria Tamez  


  • Golden Hearts

    Our Golden ♥ Hearts ministry promotes activities for seniors age 50+ and encourages new members. Activities include presentations by speakers, bingo games at our monthly socials on Friday’s; September through May. The Golden ♥ Hearts enjoy the camaraderie, sharing and growing spiritually toward Christ with other seniors. In addition to our activities, we support the Gabriel Project, Fall Festival and Vacation Bible School. 

     For more information, please email Brenda Hester at or contact me at 512-415-4850. 

     A new member registration form and the Golden ♥ Heart Social calendar are available in the narthex as you enter the church.


  • Knights of Columbus

    Welcome to Council 10209 at St Paul Catholic Church.   We are a Catholic Family Fraternal Service Organization engaging in service activities in the Parish and in our Community. We provide an opportunity for you and your family to implement your Catholic faith’s calling to serve others and to enjoy the company and support of other families from the Parish.  Our website is

  • Knights of Columbus Auxiliary

    The purpose of the Ladies' Auxiliary is faith, friendship, and service. The Ladies' Auxiliary provides the opportunity for wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, and widows of Knights of Columbus members to come together in fellowship with the primary goal of providing assistance to the Knights of Columbus and the parish priests.


    Contact:  Kathy Natoli -

  • Lectors

    The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a service to the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly.  The Word of God is proclaimed and Lectors convey both content and meaning of the readings through proclamation. By rehearsing and understanding the readings prior to proclaiming them at Mass, Lectors assist the members of the parish in participating in the Liturgy of the Word. One or more Lectors participate in the proclamation of the Word of God at each Mass. 

    For more information please contact the parish office.

  • Men's Club

    The St. Paul Men’s Club meets every Saturday morning, roughly 8:00 am – 12:00 pm, to maintain the parish property and complete various repair projects.  Most of the work is outdoors.  Tools are provided.  The Club’s members, mow grass, edge, prune hedges, install posts, paint, and repair or replace broken fixtures or worn-out items on a regular basis.  Not only do they take care of the parish property, but they also maintain the lawn and shrubs at the Rectory nearby.  The work is ongoing.  This loosely knit, committed, hard working group of men, work year-round and they invite others to join and help shoulder the work.  There is a sense of satisfaction in work done for the Lord and the St. Paul community.  All ages, minors with a parent, please, and abilities are invited to join.  The parish property is beautiful thanks to the ongoing efforts of the St. Paul Men’s Club.  If you enjoy mowing, trimming, painting, or any other outdoor projects, the St. Paul Men’s Club is the place for you!  Please contact the St. Paul Men’s Club Coordinator, Luke Ditta,, with any questions.              

  • Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe

    The Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Society) Ministry at St. Paul Catholic Church was established in July 27, 1995.  The mission of the Society is to propagate the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through His Mother, the most blessed “Virgen de Guadalupe.” We are a social and spiritual organization. 

    We have several activities throughout the year including fund raisers to accomplish our goals, agendas, charity contributions, maintaining the Virgen de Guadalupe statue, pray the rosary, and participate in the annual Fall Church Festival. We attend Corporate Communion as a group once a month. 

    The culmination of our yearly activities is celebrating and paying tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe by organizing and participating at an annual Mass (Las Mañanitas) on December 12 in commemoration of her miraculous apparitions in the year 1531.  On the evening of the same day, other church groups put on a reenactment of the Virgen's apparitions.

    The organization meets monthly in the church facilities normally at 11:00 am on Saturdays.  At times throughout the year, we participate in meetings and activities on a regional diocesan basis with other Society organizations.   

    Our Spiritual Director is Deacon Michael Marchek. The organization is open to all.

    For additional information, we encourage anyone who is interested to call the church office and they will contact you with one of the Society board members.

  • St. Vincent de Paul Society

    One of our Ministries at St. Paul is Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) . We provide support to families in need in our area. In addition to financial support, SVDP provides a booklet of all the support organizations in the area ( Food banks, counselling,clothing, transportation, work opportunities ) The visits conclude with prayer . Currently all our visits are by phone.


    Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners , In the past two months SVDP has helped 63 families with either their electric bill or rent assistance.


    If you need financial assistance please call  512-420-4077 or email

    To Donate to SVDP please go to and in donations click SVDP.

    God Bless you, Connie Chavez, St. Paul SVdP President,  512-420-4077

  • Welcome Ministry

    The Welcome Ministry is a small group of parishioners committed to being available in the foyer of the church after all Masses on the second Sunday of each month to assist new parishioners with registering at St. Paul. They also connect parishioners with contacts for each of the ministries at St. Paul, answer questions and send thank you notes to visitors who fill out a visitor connection card.  

    For moring information about assisting the Welcome Ministry contact Karen Butler through the parish office.

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