If you have any questions or want to know your current status please send them an email at:

In the summer of 2001, the Diocese of Austin inaugurated the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) program – one of the first programs for the protection of children and youth in the United States.

EIM compliance consists of five components: (i) the submission of an EIM application for ministry prior to beginning any service in ministry, (ii) authorization for the diocese to run an initial background check and rerun background checks at least every three years (and more often as needed); (iii) participation in an EIM workshop within the first 30 days of ministry and at least once every three years; (iv) adherence to the Diocese of Austin Policies on Ethics and Integrity in Ministry; and (v) classification in the diocesan EIM database as authorized to engage in ministry.

The EIM workshop gives insight into the victim’s experience of sexual abuse, teaches the skills for prevention and response, and reviews our EIM policies and procedures (which illustrate the ethical behavior expected of those engaged in ministry). The diocesan EIM Office also provides age-appropriate education to our youth, teaching them about boundaries, respect for self and others, safety in relationships, and the sacredness of being a child of God.

EIM compliance is required of all clergy, religious, seminarians, diocesan employees, parish and Catholic school employees, and adult lay persons who volunteer in ministry with minors or vulnerable adults; or in any ministry, program or organization that serves youth or vulnerable adults in any manner, or functions at a time and place where they are typically present. 

To register for a workshop, please log into your EIM account. Please be advised that you do need to have an application in the EIM system in order to register for a workshop and to be given attendance credit.

For additional information about workshop dates please contact the Parish EIM Administrator Ricardo Luna through the parish office.

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